Associate Board

The Illinois Prison Project Associate Board's mission is to build support for the organization through volunteering, fundraising, and spreading the word about our mission to end mass incarceration. We exist to introduce IPP to the next generation of advocates, activists, volunteers, and donors interested in actively advancing our organization and mission.

If you are passionate about IPP and willing to invest your time and talent, we welcome you to apply! 

Member Qualifications

  • Minimum 25 years of age
  • Alignment with IPP’s core values
  • A willingness to volunteer, donate, and promote IPP’s mission
  • Prior engagement with IPP (as donor, volunteer, intern, ambassador, and/or community partner) is a plus!

Membership Benefits

  • Advocate for thousands of needlessly incarcerated people and their loved ones.
  • Network with other passionate, like-minded, early career professionals from a variety of backgrounds and industries.
  • Host events and fundraisers to increase support for the organization and its mission.
  • Receive invitations to events and participate in our annual gala

Link to application: